Research & innovation

We conduct research today for the products and treatments of tomorrow
Especially in the field of complex and therapeutic medical devices, innovative solutions, and careful research are required in order to look after patients with rare diseases in the best way possible.

Integrated treatments


The research and development of medical devices is challenging in many areas. Not only must compatibility between the product and active ingredient be ensured, but also technical functionality and ease of use in the patients’ everyday lives. This requires experts in many highly specific disciplines who develop and implement these products together. When it comes to durability, medical devices also pose completely different challenges for researchers than, for instance, a tablet.

Research into new treatment concepts for rare and complex diseases demands inventiveness, passion, courage and resilience, particularly when an integrated approach is pursued with medicinal products, medical devices and patient services.

Relevance of clinical studies


No progress without research. This is particularly true when it comes to the highly complex field of medical devices. Especially concerning the rare disease PAH, patients and experts depend on interdisciplinary research teams who can expand and improve treatment options with innovative research questions.

There are so many people with good ideas. Study groups, who are proliferative, conduct clever research and motivate us all a great deal. We will continue with using these treatments in an even more efficient way, to heal.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Irene Lang, MD